In August we made a quick trip to the Great Northwest. We flew in to Portland then took a rental car for a road trip to the Seattle area (Carnation, Washington) to see Tana's son Lou then to Westport, Washington, on the coast. We followed the coast south to Astoria, Seaside, Canon Beach and Tillamook, Oregon before returning to the Portland area in time for Trista and Tim's wedding at Troutdale, Oregon on August 20th. It was a great trip but any trip to the Oregon coast is a great trip! Here are a few pictures of the trip.

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington
Tana at Westport, Washington
Bob and Tana at Seaside, Oregon
Sunset at Seaside, Oregon
Bob at Canon Beach, Oregon
Tana catching Shepperds Dell waterfall in Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Kelly, Trista and Darin Hale