Thanks to Bob's son-in-law, Chris, we were able to use the Tanglewood Lodge in Island Park, Idaho for the UEA weekend to host Tana's family. It was the first time in about six years that some of them had been together. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time.

We went into Yellowstone Park on Friday and saw several Bison. This one looked like he didn't like tourists very much so we made sure the grandkids stayed away. The grandkids are city kids and think that all animals are tame so they wanted to get closer.

We saw this beautiful bull elk. He bugled as we walked up, which was neat.

There was also this cow elk nursing a calf. The grandkids thought it was pretty cool.

Bob and Tana by the Fire Hole River. The scenery was beautiful and because it was off season there weren't many tourists in the park. It was a perfect time to go.

Tana's kids and spouses: Travis and Heidi Muirbrook, Nate and Ronda Mills, Kim and Lou Burke, Joe and Shelly Burke, Bob and Tana Hale, Travis and Sarah Burke and Jen and Ryan Skidmore.

All but two of Tana's grankids. They had so much fun being together, since they are very close in age.