This is a Hybiscus, which is the state flower for Hawaii. We left cold Utah on the 16th of December for 8 beautiful days on the Island of Kaui.
We stayed at Aston's Islander on the Beach in Kapaa. Our place was in the Kaui building #132. It had a Queen size bed plus a couch that could pull out into a bed. There was a kitchenette so we could eat in.
This picture is taken out the door condo. The beach was only about 60 feet from our front door. We left the slider door open all night so we could hear the sound of the waves. Oh. heaven!
This is the Wailua river. We rode this river boat up the river to the Fern Grotto. On another day we took a two seat kayak and paddled up to a hidden falls trail.
There was native entertainment up at the Fern Grotto and on the way back to where we boarded the boat.
This is Opaeka Falls.
This is the Wailua falls, which is the one that was at the beginning of the old TV show "Fantasy Island"
This is Waimea canyon. Mark Twayne called it the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.
At the end of the Waimea Canyon drive is this look-out . It is on the top of Mt. Wai'ale'ale which is the wettest place on the planet with annual rainfall of 455 inches.
On the north shore of Kaui is Tunnels Beach. The sand is beautiful.
This is the Hanalei valley with all the taro patches. They use the taro to make Poi which is the Hawaiian staple food. It tastes like wall-paper paste but if eaten with Kalua Pork it takes some of the salty taste away from the pork.
Just some beautiful scenery. This happens to be along the Waimea river.
This Mustang convertible saved Bob $35,000 dollars! He rented it for the trip on Kaui and found out he didn't want to buy one after all. It was fun but Tana liked the Seibring we rented on Maui, last year.
This was the sunrise from our front door on our last morning on Kaui.